Summary for All Farms 2009-2010

Area Planted

Culture Area (ha) LKg/Ha TC/Ha Cost/Ha
New Plant 51.26 142.11 60.06 77,283.31
Ratoon 49.27 124.60 57.09 69,634.66
No Data 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Harvest Status

Ripe Fields Unripe Fields Total
ha. % ha. % ha. % of
all farms
Harvested 100.53 100.00 0.00 0 100.53 100.00
Standing Cane 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00

Next Crop Status

Culture Area (ha)
Ratoon 13.68
Planted 86.09
Unclassified 0.00
Fertilizer Applied # of Bags Bags /Ha
New Plant 2,451.00 28.47
Ratoon 411.25 30.06
Area with canepoints (source) 0.00 ha.
Activities Area (ha)
for Planting 0.00
for Land Prep 0.76
Fields Closed 100.53
Fertilizers On Hand # of Bags
0 - 0 - 60 (POTASH) 16,802.50
16-20-0 1,862.75
18 - 46 -0 (DAP) 13,858.00
20 -10 -0 184.50
46 - 0 - 0 (UREA) 41,163.25
BETTER YIELD ( 100GRMS ) 115.00
HIGH YIELD ( 50 KL ) 31.00